Monday, 25 February 2013

Let your inner light shine.

I can't stop thinking about a story my lovely yoga teacher told the class on Sunday afternoon.

She always has an inspirational theme for class and this particular day it was bringing out our inner light.

The story went something like this..

"A grandfather told his grandson a story of the white wolf and black wolf. The white wolf was filled with kindness, compassion, and good, whereas the black wolf was filled with judgement, hate, and evil. He told his grandson that everyone has these two wolfs battling inside of them. So the grandson asked 'well which one of them wins?' The grandfather replies 'the one that you choose to feed.'

This really hit me and made me think 'wow, that is so true.' Nobody is perfect and can be 100% positive all the time but it's about recognizing that negativity and refusing to feed it.

Bringing out our inner light takes practice. Feeding emotions like kindness, compassion, gratitude, and happiness (not just to ourselves but with others as well) will help keep the 'white wolf' alive.

Make it a conscious effort to keep a positive mind and outlook on life. Bad days are created by negativity, you can rid your life of them by simply adjusting your attitude. "You can't live a positive life with a negative attitude."

Radiate your inner light and watch the world around you become a brighter place :)

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