These were inspired by the simple ingredient LARABARS that are a great snack with no added junk.
These Ener-Chi bars are a great combination of natural, energizing ingredients for a burst of energy any time of the day. With the perfect blend of protein, antioxidants, and vitamins - this snack will provide the fuel your body needs.
Ener-Chi Bars
(About 3 bars)
1 cup of pitted dates
1/4 cup of almonds
2 Tbsp of extra virgin (unrefined) coconut oil
2 Tbsp of unsweetened organic coconut
1 Tbsp of ground flax seeds
2 Tbsp of chia seeds
Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender for 1-2 minutes until finely processed. It won't be quite stuck together yet. Pour the mixture onto a plate or pan of choice and press together to form a square. Place in the fridge for 20-30 minutes to harden a bit. Cut into bars and store in the fridge.
Pack away for a mid-day snack at work or a pre/post workout boost! :)
nu·trit·i·men·ta·tion : (noun) 1. the act, process, practice, or an instance of: (a) experimenting with nutrition (b) enjoying eating and/or cooking nutritious meals that feed the body and soul (c) living a lifestyle based on trying new things and taking control of one’s own health and happiness
Monday, 25 March 2013
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
If It Makes You Happy, Do It.
Really, I dare you… do it.
“But I can’t because (insert excuse here).”
It doesn’t matter.
Life is too short.
Time passes too quickly.
You only have one life to live.

“But my dream job doesn’t exist” – create it.
“I wish I could (insert wish here)” – why can’t you?
Material things begin to become irrelevant and unimportant when happiness is involved. Finding fulfillment will make you rich.
With a little kindness, gratitude, patience, and hard work – life will fall into place. The universe is always working with you - stop resisting.
While you’re anticipating an indefinite future, life is proceeding without you. Live your life now.
Start spending time with those who matter to you.
Start participating in activities that bring you joy.
Start believing in yourself and others.
Start doing things that make you happy and stop doing things that don’t.
Monday, 11 March 2013
Cucumber, Avocado, and Tomato Salad
So simple. So easy. So refreshingly delicious.
My mom brought me some fresh, pesticide free, gorgeous vegetables from a local market. I couldn't wait to make this salad to eat them! The cucumbers were so crisp and tomatoes so juicy.
I also used some Boston lettuce to make a lettuce bowl for some quinoa burgers Eileen had me last week that I had in the freezer. Together they made a colorful and nutritious dinner :)
My mom brought me some fresh, pesticide free, gorgeous vegetables from a local market. I couldn't wait to make this salad to eat them! The cucumbers were so crisp and tomatoes so juicy.
I also used some Boston lettuce to make a lettuce bowl for some quinoa burgers Eileen had me last week that I had in the freezer. Together they made a colorful and nutritious dinner :)
Cucumber, Avocado, and Tomato Salad
1 large cucumber
1 tomato
1 ripe avocado
juice 1/2 lime
2 Tbsp of fresh cilantro (chopped)
Salt & Pepper
Prepare the vegetables by chopping them into small chunks. Place in a bowl then add lime juice, salt & pepper, and cilantro. Simply toss & enjoy!
Monday, 4 March 2013
Whole Wheat Banana Bread
I'm so happy I finally had time to try out this recipe Eileen gave me out of the King Arthur Flour cookbook. It's a pretty healthy recipe to begin with but I made a few little healthy twists. It still came out absolutely delightful.
I started my night with a wholesome dinner - a Quinoa with red bean recipe from Shape magazine paired with some homemade kale chips. Both came out so tasty.. I couldn't believe the kale chips really were chips! They crisped up and crunched just like potato chips and tasted great - definitely going to make them again.
Just drizzle with olive oil and salt (and any other toppings/spices of choice) then place in the oven at 375 degrees for 10-15 minutes until edges brown.

Just drizzle with olive oil and salt (and any other toppings/spices of choice) then place in the oven at 375 degrees for 10-15 minutes until edges brown.
For an after dinner treat I toasted some of my banana bread and had some warm almond milk with cinnamon. Perfect way to wind down for the night.
Whole Wheat Banana Bread
1 cup of spelt flour
1 cup of whole wheat pastry flour
(or 2 cups of whole wheat flour)
1/2 cup Sucanat (or any organic brown sugar)
3/4 tsp of baking soda
1/2 tsp of salt
1/2 tsp of ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp of ground nutmeg
1/2 cup chopped pecans
2 large organic/cage free eggs
1/4 cup of extra virgin coconut oil
1/8 cup (half of 1/4 cup) of greek yogurt (I used low fat)
3 med-large mashed ripe bananas
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1/4 cup organic honey
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Grease (or parchment paper) a loaf (or cake) pan.
In a large bowl combine all the dry ingredients and mix well. In a separate bowl combine the wet ingredients and beat together until well combined. Add the wet to the dry and mix until batter forms. Pour the batter into the pan and let sit at room temperature for 10 minutes before placing in the oven. Every oven will be different but it will take anywhere from 30-50 mins - keep an eye out! When the cake tester/knife comes out clean - it's done. Take out of the oven and let cool for 10 minutes before taking out of the pan. Move to a rack or plate and let cool completely.
To reheat/toast - place in the oven at 350 for 5 minutes then place on broil for 1-2 minutes to get a crispy crust. Then enjoy on it's own or spread on some almond butter - yum!
Nutritimentation Essentials Grocery List
Want to begin your nutritimentation but feeling a bit confused or lost as how or what to buy at the grocery store? Well - keep reading.
I'm going to list a few basic items that are in my pantry/fridge that I use daily and I find important to living a healthy lifestyle.
1. Chia Seeds/ Flax Seeds
Why should you should eat chia now? Because just 2 tablespoons of chia seeds has:
It's important to use organic oats because processed grains lack the bran and germ (2 of the 3 major parts to a whole grain) which are removed in the factories to create a longer shelf life. Without these two major parts the whole grain is lacking the dietary fiber, iron, and B vitamins. Organic whole grains include all three parts of the kernel and provide the body with nutrients like fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and antioxidants.
You can find these oats at the health food store or in the organic food isle.
3. Quinoa
Quinoa is amazing! It contains all eight amino acids making it a complete source of protein but is also a good source of dietary fiber and contains B vitamins and iron. It can be used for breakfast, lunch, or dinner - make some at the beginning of the week, throw it in the fridge, and use it to create meals. Try making Quinoa Cakes, Fried Vegetable Quinoa, or use it as a replacement for your oatmeal in the morning.
I've used a couple different organic brands - again, stick with an organic brand that has one simple ingredient: organic quinoa. You can also find this at any health food store or in the organic isle at the supermarkets.
4. Organic Whole Grain Flours
Processed white flours have zero nutritional value and are not welcomed pleasantly by your body. They are bleached to get their snowy white color - gross!
I keep a jar or spelt flour and whole wheat flour in my pantry for my baking. Both of these are high in nutritional value containing beneficial vitamins and minerals such as fiber, iron, and vitamin B.
King Arthur is a reputable brand and has great recipes on their website using their flours. But again, other organic brands or even local flours can be just as great - do some research! You can find unprocessed organic whole grain flours at your local health food store.
5. Sprouted Grain Bread
This one I will be totally biased on the brand. Food for Life Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread is amazing! It's the best bread I've ever tasted - so crunchy and delicious. Most "whole grain" or "whole wheat" breads you find in the grocery store include enriched wheat flour in their ingredients which means it has been stripped of its nutrients, some are put back but others replaced with coal tar derivatives. Sprouted grain bread contains no flour but is made straight from grains. It has increased digestibility, vitamins, antioxidants,absorption of minerals, and fiber.
Use it for sandwiches, french toast, or any other bread recipes! It can be found in the freezer section at your health food store or organic food isle.
6. Coconut Oil
This is also another amazing product that can be used in so many ways and has so many health benefits. It's a great natural source of energy containing medium chain "good fats."
I use coconut oil in my baking (mostly for a butter replacement), as a moisturizer for my face/skin, and in cooking (just like olive/vegetable oil).
It's recommended to buy a virgin, unrefined version of the oil. I bought two big tubs of Nature's Way Coconut Oil online for extremely cheap.
7. Almond Butter
Yum, yum, yum! Almonds are super nutritious so by eating this delicious spread, your body is getting essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Almonds are also a good source of fiber and protein. They are high in monounsaturated fat content, a healthy fat compared to unhealthy spreads (like some peanut butters) that are high in saturated fats.
I add this to my oatmeal, smoothies, and toast to get my dose of healthy fats. Try making some Apple Pie Toast & you'll be addicted!
This can be found at your local health food store or in the organic isle but when buying Almond Butter make sure it has one or two ingredients (should just be almonds, some may have some type of oil). I've begun making this at home in my Vitamix by processing 3 cups of almonds with 2 Tbsp of Olive Oil - it's so easy!
8. Almond Milk
I've made the switch over to Almond milk because it not only taste delicious but as read above, almonds have many health benefits. It's rich in Vitamin E, has more calcium than milk, and has no saturated fats or cholesterol.
My favorite is Almond Breeze Vanilla Unsweetened. You can find this at the local health food store or at the supermarkets in the organic food isle. Some pharmacies and local food stores will have Almond milk too - keep any eye!
9. Organic Natural Sweeteners
The refined sugars on the market are stripped of it's natural state, vitamins, and minerals leaving empty calories. They not only cause a sugar high, but a sugar low. Refined sugar is harmful to all parts of your body from your teeth to your liver. Cut out the processed sugar and you will feel the difference.
I use organic honey majority of the time to sweeten my oatmeal or as a replacement for sugar in baking. Other choices like maple syrup, agave, and organic cane sugar are great to have around too. As a replacement for brown sugar I have Sucanat , made from dried organic cane juice.
Search the organic isles or local health food store for these. You can even get your honey from a local farm.
10. Organic Fruits & Vegetables!
Stock your fridge/freezer with tons of greens, fruits, and favorite vegetables. Check out the Dirty Dozen list to see which ones you should definitely be buying organic.
Good tip: Know that sticker on your fruits/veggies that have a barcode and a SKU number? Well those numbers actually mean something!
Look for the ones that begin in 9 - this means they were grown organically.
If they begin with 8 - this means they were genetically modified. If they begin in 3 or 4 - they were conventionally grown (meaning a much higher pesticide residue).
When at the grocery store take time to read ingredient list and labels. Look for the words organic, non-gmo, and no artificial ingredients. Avoid any products with unnecessary ingredients with words you can't pronounce.
Keep it simple - usually past 5 or 6 ingredients comes the added preservatives and chemicals. Stay away from packaged snacks as much as possible - go for the raw nuts or veggies.
Eating healthy is easy - make a few replacements in your kitchen and it all flows from there! Making these changes not only feeds your body properly but you start to feel an improvement in your mood, energy, and general well-being - I swear!
Hope this helps everyone out and feel free to comment/email with any other questions :)
Also, check out my post What makes my recipes healthy?
I'm going to list a few basic items that are in my pantry/fridge that I use daily and I find important to living a healthy lifestyle.
1. Chia Seeds/ Flax Seeds
Why should you should eat chia now? Because just 2 tablespoons of chia seeds has:
- Five times the amount of calcium in milk (plus boron which helps you absorb it)
- Three times the amount of antioxidants in blueberries
- Three times the amount of iron in spinach
- Three times the amount of fiber in oatmeal
- Two times the amount of protein of any other bean, seed or grain
- Two times the amount of potassium in a banana
Flax seeds are high in fiber to keep you full longer, contain more lignans, which have antioxidant qualities, than any other plant food, and are also high in Omega 3's.
You can sprinkle both of these over your oatmeal, put them in smoothies, or even use them in baking. I have Navitas Naturals Chia Seed brand and Bob's Red Mill flax meal (ground flax seeds)- but what's important is that you stick with any organic brand. You can find Chia at your local health food store like Whole Foods. Flax seeds/meal can be found at the local health food store or in the organic food isle at the supermarkets.
You can sprinkle both of these over your oatmeal, put them in smoothies, or even use them in baking. I have Navitas Naturals Chia Seed brand and Bob's Red Mill flax meal (ground flax seeds)- but what's important is that you stick with any organic brand. You can find Chia at your local health food store like Whole Foods. Flax seeds/meal can be found at the local health food store or in the organic food isle at the supermarkets.
2. Organic Oats
I have some Bob's Red Mill rolled oats and quick oats stored in my pantry that I use to make some baked oatmeal or quick oatmeal in the morning. Oats can also be used in baking for things like cookies or even making oat flour.
It's important to use organic oats because processed grains lack the bran and germ (2 of the 3 major parts to a whole grain) which are removed in the factories to create a longer shelf life. Without these two major parts the whole grain is lacking the dietary fiber, iron, and B vitamins. Organic whole grains include all three parts of the kernel and provide the body with nutrients like fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and antioxidants.
You can find these oats at the health food store or in the organic food isle.
3. Quinoa
Quinoa is amazing! It contains all eight amino acids making it a complete source of protein but is also a good source of dietary fiber and contains B vitamins and iron. It can be used for breakfast, lunch, or dinner - make some at the beginning of the week, throw it in the fridge, and use it to create meals. Try making Quinoa Cakes, Fried Vegetable Quinoa, or use it as a replacement for your oatmeal in the morning.
I've used a couple different organic brands - again, stick with an organic brand that has one simple ingredient: organic quinoa. You can also find this at any health food store or in the organic isle at the supermarkets.
4. Organic Whole Grain Flours
Processed white flours have zero nutritional value and are not welcomed pleasantly by your body. They are bleached to get their snowy white color - gross!
I keep a jar or spelt flour and whole wheat flour in my pantry for my baking. Both of these are high in nutritional value containing beneficial vitamins and minerals such as fiber, iron, and vitamin B.
King Arthur is a reputable brand and has great recipes on their website using their flours. But again, other organic brands or even local flours can be just as great - do some research! You can find unprocessed organic whole grain flours at your local health food store.
5. Sprouted Grain Bread
This one I will be totally biased on the brand. Food for Life Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread is amazing! It's the best bread I've ever tasted - so crunchy and delicious. Most "whole grain" or "whole wheat" breads you find in the grocery store include enriched wheat flour in their ingredients which means it has been stripped of its nutrients, some are put back but others replaced with coal tar derivatives. Sprouted grain bread contains no flour but is made straight from grains. It has increased digestibility, vitamins, antioxidants,absorption of minerals, and fiber.
Use it for sandwiches, french toast, or any other bread recipes! It can be found in the freezer section at your health food store or organic food isle.
6. Coconut Oil
This is also another amazing product that can be used in so many ways and has so many health benefits. It's a great natural source of energy containing medium chain "good fats."
I use coconut oil in my baking (mostly for a butter replacement), as a moisturizer for my face/skin, and in cooking (just like olive/vegetable oil).
It's recommended to buy a virgin, unrefined version of the oil. I bought two big tubs of Nature's Way Coconut Oil online for extremely cheap.
7. Almond Butter
Yum, yum, yum! Almonds are super nutritious so by eating this delicious spread, your body is getting essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Almonds are also a good source of fiber and protein. They are high in monounsaturated fat content, a healthy fat compared to unhealthy spreads (like some peanut butters) that are high in saturated fats.
I add this to my oatmeal, smoothies, and toast to get my dose of healthy fats. Try making some Apple Pie Toast & you'll be addicted!
This can be found at your local health food store or in the organic isle but when buying Almond Butter make sure it has one or two ingredients (should just be almonds, some may have some type of oil). I've begun making this at home in my Vitamix by processing 3 cups of almonds with 2 Tbsp of Olive Oil - it's so easy!

I've made the switch over to Almond milk because it not only taste delicious but as read above, almonds have many health benefits. It's rich in Vitamin E, has more calcium than milk, and has no saturated fats or cholesterol.
My favorite is Almond Breeze Vanilla Unsweetened. You can find this at the local health food store or at the supermarkets in the organic food isle. Some pharmacies and local food stores will have Almond milk too - keep any eye!
9. Organic Natural Sweeteners
The refined sugars on the market are stripped of it's natural state, vitamins, and minerals leaving empty calories. They not only cause a sugar high, but a sugar low. Refined sugar is harmful to all parts of your body from your teeth to your liver. Cut out the processed sugar and you will feel the difference.
I use organic honey majority of the time to sweeten my oatmeal or as a replacement for sugar in baking. Other choices like maple syrup, agave, and organic cane sugar are great to have around too. As a replacement for brown sugar I have Sucanat , made from dried organic cane juice.
Search the organic isles or local health food store for these. You can even get your honey from a local farm.
10. Organic Fruits & Vegetables!
Stock your fridge/freezer with tons of greens, fruits, and favorite vegetables. Check out the Dirty Dozen list to see which ones you should definitely be buying organic.
Good tip: Know that sticker on your fruits/veggies that have a barcode and a SKU number? Well those numbers actually mean something!
Look for the ones that begin in 9 - this means they were grown organically.
If they begin with 8 - this means they were genetically modified. If they begin in 3 or 4 - they were conventionally grown (meaning a much higher pesticide residue).
When at the grocery store take time to read ingredient list and labels. Look for the words organic, non-gmo, and no artificial ingredients. Avoid any products with unnecessary ingredients with words you can't pronounce.
Keep it simple - usually past 5 or 6 ingredients comes the added preservatives and chemicals. Stay away from packaged snacks as much as possible - go for the raw nuts or veggies.
Eating healthy is easy - make a few replacements in your kitchen and it all flows from there! Making these changes not only feeds your body properly but you start to feel an improvement in your mood, energy, and general well-being - I swear!
Hope this helps everyone out and feel free to comment/email with any other questions :)
Also, check out my post What makes my recipes healthy?
Saturday, 2 March 2013
Banana Bread Breakfast for One
Banana bread goes perfect with this time of year and why not have some for breakfast? This nutritious banana bread is perfect to kickstart the day the right way.
Banana Bread Breakfast for One
3 Tbsp of spelt flour (or whole wheat)
1/16 tsp of salt (about a big pinch)
1/4 tsp of baking powder
1 Tbsp of Sucanat (or any organic brown sugar)
1/2 tsp of cinnamon
A few dashes of nutmeg
1 Tbsp of chopped pecans (or nut of choice) - optional
About 1/2 Tbsp of ground flax seed (for extra nutrition) - optional
1/4 tsp of vanilla extract
1 Tbsp of coconut oil (or butter or unsweetened applesauce)
1 Tbsp of milk (I used Vanilla Almond Unsweetened)
about 1 Tbsp of honey (I guestimated)
1/2 of a small banana
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Grease a small ramekin or loaf pan with coconut oil (or butter).
Combine the dry ingredients in a small bowl and mix well. Add the wet ingredients and combine. Make sure to mash the banana well into the dough. Pour mixture into the pre-greased pan and place in the oven for 12-15 mins.
I topped my banana bread with some almond butter and paired it with a cup of warm water, 1/2 juice lemon, honey, and apple cider vinegar :)
This is a quick, easy recipe to begin with but if your limited on time in the morning feel free to prepare the dry ingredients the night before and store away. Then in the morning just add the remaining wet and place it in the oven while you get ready!
Banana Bread Breakfast for One
3 Tbsp of spelt flour (or whole wheat)
1/16 tsp of salt (about a big pinch)
1/4 tsp of baking powder
1 Tbsp of Sucanat (or any organic brown sugar)
1/2 tsp of cinnamon
A few dashes of nutmeg
1 Tbsp of chopped pecans (or nut of choice) - optional
About 1/2 Tbsp of ground flax seed (for extra nutrition) - optional
1/4 tsp of vanilla extract
1 Tbsp of coconut oil (or butter or unsweetened applesauce)
1 Tbsp of milk (I used Vanilla Almond Unsweetened)
about 1 Tbsp of honey (I guestimated)
1/2 of a small banana
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Grease a small ramekin or loaf pan with coconut oil (or butter).
Combine the dry ingredients in a small bowl and mix well. Add the wet ingredients and combine. Make sure to mash the banana well into the dough. Pour mixture into the pre-greased pan and place in the oven for 12-15 mins.
I topped my banana bread with some almond butter and paired it with a cup of warm water, 1/2 juice lemon, honey, and apple cider vinegar :)
This is a quick, easy recipe to begin with but if your limited on time in the morning feel free to prepare the dry ingredients the night before and store away. Then in the morning just add the remaining wet and place it in the oven while you get ready!
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